Enough has been said about smartphones and how "important" they are for personal and professional reason. Enough been said, its time for some reality check now.
I use a Sony Walkman phone, with a 512 mb memory card, for my 'song' needs, it has a 4 mega-pixel camera, which satisfies my photo needs, and it makes and receives calls regardless of where I hold it from !!
All this said, I went on a search for a smartphone this weekend, so what do I need it for, my work emails;no, I'd rather stay away from work, when I am 'away' from work, keep safe distance.
My personal emails, Naman has a new post on buzz, I really have to read it, Nea...
Umm.. How about doing "stuff" on the go, Really ?? like what, booking a ticket ? checking my bank account, paying my bills ? With that tiny little screen , and risking my identity no.
Oh, and my favorite, buying and selling stocks ( friend : "dood , this phone saved me a fortune, I bought these stocks at the right time") well, not interested, lets just leave it there.
Switching onto the good side, umm..taking pictures and uploading them...yea..but hold on, My camera, a nice 10 mega pixel camera. I'm sure the pictures can wait !! Its true, they won't have "Mobile Upload" tag on it.
I don't need a smart phone, not for BBM, not for Gtalk, Not for finding the closest loo !! 021